A Health Message for Women: 5 Ways to Change Your Mindset

Recently, as I drove my son to preschool, I passed the YMCA and my eye was immediately drawn to a frazzled mom – baby on her hip, two kids she was trying to corral as they scampered across the parking lot, her gym/diaper bag barely hanging on the other arm. Her hair was a mess, and she looked a bit terrified like, “Am I really bringing all three kids here? Do I really expect to get a workout in?”

As I watched her, a flood of emotions came over me. You see, that was me – the exhausted mom who worked hard at her job during the day and still wanted to care for her family when she got home, but felt tapped out trying to do it all.

Women want so badly to do it all. We want to put our best foot forward in our workplace and our home, with our kids and loved ones. We want to care for the people we love, but we also want our career to thrive. We often spend so much time on these things that we lose ourselves in the process.

Despite my best intentions, the fact that I wasn’t making time for my own health was felt by those around me. It was only after I began to take care of myself that I could care for other people and pursue life with passion and purpose.

When I became a health and wholeness coach, I met women who were dealing with similar issues – exhausted, comparing themselves to others and with a boatload of insecurity sinking their soul.

As these women carved out time for themselves by making mindful, long-term choices about their nutrition, fitness and soul care, each one grew stronger in her own way – physically, emotionally, spiritually.

These women and I started by changing our mindset. Here’s how we began thinking differently:

1. Change Your Motivation

Why do you want to be healthy? To attain the unattainable standards the world places on body image? So you can have energy and stamina for your job and your loved ones? To live longer and to enjoy a full and healthy life? When we understand that self-care means more than striving for the Photoshopped body images portrayed in magazines, things change.

2. Have No Expiration

Don’t give your body or your health a time limit. Instead, commit to a healthy mindset for the long haul. I’m not a fan of diets or 21-day cleanses or “drink this and you’ll get perfect abs in 30 days” programs. There is just no magic trick or fast track to good health.

My favorite story comes from when our training group was sprinting in my neighborhood. A neighbor called out, “What are you training for?” One of our runners shouted back, “Just for life, sir, just for life.”

Find a workout you love and want to stick with – something that makes you feel strong and empowered and is fun. Find a nutrition plan that offers moderation and a menu you don’t dread cooking or eating. Food should never guilt or consume us; it should be enjoyable and satisfying. Enjoy life by making long-term life decisions.

3. Make a Plan

If you want to start working out, then make a plan. Write an appointment on your calendar, just like you would for your job. And don’t miss it! Taking care of your body, your soul, is everything.

If you need to start eating healthier, then PLAN ahead. Throw out the junk in your cabinets, decide what to prepare for next week’s meals, write a grocery list and shop. Buy a new cookbook, get some inspiration and find enjoyment in the process. You will never stick with something you dread.

4. Recruit a Cheering Section

Whether you are just starting this journey, getting back at it or have been in it for the long haul, find people who will come alongside you and keep you accountable – not only to cheer you on, but to call you out when you are not meeting your goals. We all need each other in our journeys.

5. Fill Your Tank

Write down five things that make you smile, feel alive, feel YOU. It could be writing, painting, reading, grabbing coffee with a friend or going for a run. When was the last time you did that? Schedule a time each week, so you fill your tank with the things you love. When your tank is full, you get to pour out that goodness on everyone else.

The key is to . . . just start. May is Women’s Health Month, so there’s no time like the present. Take the first step and then another one. Don’t wait until you have it all figured out. Do just one thing – don’t try to nail all five of them in one day. And don’t get discouraged – remember, you’re in this for the long haul.

If you need help or inspiration, check out the webinars, podcasts and online support offered by Community Health Charities and their network of nearly 2,000 trusted health charities across the country. I also write about the real world of moms and getting healthy, and I’d love for you to join the conversation on Facebook or online.

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